Notification API

After completing pay or refund, the Trusty payment system will send the refund result to the Merchant.


1. The same notification may be sent to the merchant system for multiple times. The merchant system must be able to process repeated notifications properly. It is recommended that when a notification is received and processed, check the status of the corresponding business data first, and then analyze whether it is processed. If not, then process it; if yes, return the processed result. Before the status check and process of business data, perform concurrent control of these data with data locks to avoid data corruption caused by reentrant functions.

2. If the Trusty pay callback is not received after all notification frequencies (5 minute), the merchant need to call the 【Query Order API】to confirm the order status.

Note: The merchant system must perform signature verification for the payment or refund result notification, and verify whether the returned refund amount is consistent with that on the merchant side to prevent any possible capital loss caused by "false notifications" due to data leakage.

API intro

Request URL: The URL is set by the parameter notify_url submitted in 【Unified Order】and the https protocol is required. If the URL cannot be accessed, the merchant will not receive any Trusty notifications. The URL must be directly accessible without any parameters. For example: notify_url:

Notification Rules

After the payment or refund status changes, Trusty will send the refund results to the merchant.

When notifying the interaction to the backend, if the response received by Trusty is unsuccessful or timeout,Trusty will no longer be notified. the merchant need to call the 【Query Order API】to confirm the order status.

Notification Message

For payment or refund result notifications, access the notification URL set up by the merchant with the `POST` method, and the notification data is transmitted through the request body (BODY) in the `JSON` format. The notification data contains the details of the encrypted payment or refund result.

The procedure of how to decrypt the notification data is described as follows:

  • Obtain the merchant's notification key from the merchant platform, and record it as `key`.
  • Obtain the corresponding parameters `sign_type` for the algorithm described in `sign_type` ( `MD5` or `HMACSHA256`).
  • Encrypt the received request parameters sort non-empty values not included[app_id,mchnt_id,nonce_str,sign,sign_type]. Please refer to the 【API Rule】 for the encryption method.
  • Compare the sign in the return parameter

Backend Callback API(Provide by merchant)

API Description: Call back API(Provide by merchant)

Request URL:Call back URL

Request MethodPOST


Request Sample

Request Parameter

Field Name Description Type Length
applyNo Payment authorization request number string 32
openId Unique user ID under the merchant string 32
actualAmt Actual amount ,For example: 1 MMK Format:100 string 11
attach attach data: merchants can define the data by self. string 256
body Product name or payment brief description string 128
channel Payment Channel string 8
currency Currency ,MMK string 8
detail Detail information of the product string  
deviceInfo Device No. string 32
payEndDate Payment End Time yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss string  
payMsg Payment Return Message string 128
payStartDate Payment Start Time : yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss string  
payStatus Payment status
[Reference to the appendix - payment status]
string 128
refundDate Refund time : yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss string  
createDate Create Date : yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss string  
modifyDate modify Date: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss string  
refundNo Refund No. string 32
timeExpire timeExpire string 5
orderAmt Order amount ,
For example: 1 MMK Format:100
string 20
tradeNo Trade number. string 32
tradeType [Reference to the appendix - Trade Type] string 12
errCode If payStatus is PAY_FAIL,
[Reference to the appendix - ErrCode]
string 12


Response Status:

Status Code Description schema
200 OK  


Payment Status

Status Description
PAY_APPLY Payment apply
PAY_PROCESSING Payment processing
PAY_SUCCESS Payment succeeded
PAY_FAIL Payment failed
REVERSE_PROCESSING Reverse processing
REVERSE_SUCCESS Reverse succeeded
REVERSE_FAIL Reverse failed
REFUND_PROCESSING Refund processing
REFUND_SUCCESS Refund succeeded
REFUND_FAIL Refund failed


Currency Description
MMK Myanmar currency Code

Trade Type

Trade Type Description

Settlement Status

Status Description
S01 pending settlement
S02 settlement processing
S03 settlement finish


Code Description
AAPDPE0022 Transaction amount can not exceed available balance.
AABXME3000 System error occured.
CAPPDE0006 Over Trusty Daily Point Using Limit Amount.
AAPARE0099 This account is blocked for request service.
AAPARE0215 The password is locked
AAPARE0573 The transaction password is invalid.
AAPCME0006 please check Input value.
CAPDPE0033 Fixed Account are not in business Time
CAPDPE0042 Order information does not exist