Unified Order

Merchant’s backend calls this API to create an advance transaction in the Trusty payment service backend, and initiates the payment process via payment by appUrl.

1. Place an order:

Submit a pre-order request for payment by scanning code through this interface.
If payments made on websites, physical stores, media advertising, or other scenarios. obtain the appUrl corresponding to the QR code. The merchant's background system will generate the QR code image based on the appUrl value, and the user will initiate payment after scanning the code with Trusty App.
If in Merchant’s App, Open appUrl directly. Customer will be redirected to the Trusty App for payment.

2. Query:

The merchant is required to take the initiative to check the order status after placing an order for a certain period of time. If the notifyUrl notification address is configured, the payment result will be notified to the merchant backend interface through the HTTP protocol after the customer makes a successful payment.Then modify the order status. If you do not have a notification API or have not received the payment result, you can use the query API to query the payment result.


  • If not set a timeout period, the order will be canceled after 30 minutes by default, and if you set a notification address, you will be notified that the order has been canceled

API Description: Unified Order API

Request URL:/openapi/v1/trusty/unifiedorder

Request MethodPOST



Request Parameter

Field Name Description Required Type Length
app_id Public Parameter true string 64
mchnt_id Public Parameter true string 32
nonce_str Public Parameter true string 64
sign Public Parameter true string 128
sign_type Public Parameter true string 12
tradeNo The unique No. of the payment transaction
which is provided by merchant.
true string 32
attach attach data: merchants can define the data by self. false string 500
body Product name or payment brief description true string 128
detail Detail information of products false string 128
deviceInfo Device No.[Define by the merchant,
example: the store NO.]
false string 128
notifyUrl The callback address to receive Trusty Pay result notifications asynchronously. The notification URL must be accessible by external networks, and is not allowed to carry any parameters. Use the HTTPS protocol URL. Example: https://www.trusty-pay.com/trustypay/pay. false string 128
frontendUrl Specifies the callback address for receiving
Trusty payment notifications.
Example: merchant-app://trustypay/payresult.
Create Deep Links to App Content: https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/deep-linking?hl=en
false string 128
spbillCreateIp IP address of terminal false string 64
timeExpire Set the timeout period to set the number of minutes after which the order will be automatically cancelled. Default: 30 minutes false string 5
totalAmount amount,For example: 1 MMK Format:100 true String 20
tradeType [ [Reference to the appendix] Trade type]
Set to NATIVE, or APP
false string 12
trnCcy Currency [Reference to the appendix] true string 12
version Fixed value: 1.0 Example:1.0 false string 12

Request Sample

Response Parameter:

Field Name Description Required Type Length
app_id Public Parameter true string 64
mchnt_id Public Parameter true string 32
nonce_str Public Parameter true string 64
sign Public Parameter true string 128
sign_type Public Parameter true string 12
return_code Public Parameter true string 32
return_msg Public Parameter true string 128
tradeNo The unique No. of the payment transaction
which is provided by merchant.
true string 32
applyNo Specifies the advance transaction ID created
by Trusty.
It is used to call the Trusty Payment API later.
Example: ty2021102720093950.
true string 32
tradeType The transaction type submitted. The value
could be
NATIVE, or APP. Example: APP
true string 12
appUrl The URL of opening the Trusty APP. true string 128

Response Sample

Return Code

code Description
SUCCESS Processed successfully
PARAM_ERROR Parameter error.
MERCHANT_NOT_EXIST Merchant does not exist.
SIGN_ERROR Incorrect signature result.
ORDER_ALREADY_EXIST Order already exists.
SYSTEM_ERROR System error.




Payment Status

Status Description
PAY_APPLY Payment apply
PAY_PROCESSING Payment processing
PAY_SUCCESS Payment succeeded
PAY_FAIL Payment failed
REVERSE_PROCESSING Reverse processing
REVERSE_SUCCESS Reverse succeeded
REVERSE_FAIL Reverse failed
REFUND_PROCESSING Refund processing
REFUND_SUCCESS Refund succeeded
REFUND_FAIL Refund failed


Currency Description
MMK Myanmar currency Code

Trade Type

Trade Type Description

Settlement Status

Status Description
S01 pending settlement
S02 settlement processing
S03 settlement finish


Code Description
AAPDPE0022 Transaction amount can not exceed available balance.
AABXME3000 System error occured.
CAPPDE0006 Over Trusty Daily Point Using Limit Amount.
AAPARE0099 This account is blocked for request service.
AAPARE0215 The password is locked
AAPARE0573 The transaction password is invalid.
AAPCME0006 please check Input value.
CAPDPE0033 Fixed Account are not in business Time
CAPDPE0042 Order information does not exist