
API Description: Refund API

Request URL:/openapi/v1/trusty/refund

Request MethodPOST




Request Parameter

Field Name Description Length Required Type
app_id Public Parameter 64 true string
mchnt_id Public Parameter 32 true string
nonce_str Public Parameter 64 true string
sign Public Parameter 128 true string
sign_type Public Parameter 12 true string
tradeNo The unique No. of the payment transaction
which is provided by merchant.
32 true string
refundNo The unique sequence No.
of the refund transaction
which is provided by merchant.
32 true string

Request Sample

Response Parameter

Field Name Description Required Type
app_id Public Parameter true string
mchnt_id Public Parameter true string
nonce_str Public Parameter true string
sign Public Parameter true string
sign_type Public Parameter true string
return_code Public Parameter true string
return_msg Public Parameter true string
refundStatus Refund status
[Reference to the appendix - Refund Status]
true string
refundNo The unique sequence No.
of the refund transaction.
true string

Response Sample:

Return Code:

code Description
SUCCESS Processed successfully
PARAM_ERROR Parameter error.
MERCHANT_NOT_EXIST Merchant does not exist.
SIGN_ERROR Incorrect signature result.
ORDER_NOT_EXIST This order does not exist.
SYSTEM_ERROR System error.
CHANNEL_NOT_ALLOWED Channel does not allow refund.
ORDER_NOT_ALLOWED Order does not allow refund.

Refund Status:

code Description
REFUND_SUCCESS refund success
REFUND_FAIL refund fail.
REFUND_PROCESSING refund processing.



Payment Status

Status Description
PAY_APPLY Payment apply
PAY_PROCESSING Payment processing
PAY_SUCCESS Payment succeeded
PAY_FAIL Payment failed
REVERSE_PROCESSING Reverse processing
REVERSE_SUCCESS Reverse succeeded
REVERSE_FAIL Reverse failed
REFUND_PROCESSING Refund processing
REFUND_SUCCESS Refund succeeded
REFUND_FAIL Refund failed


Currency Description
MMK Myanmar currency Code

Trade Type

Trade Type Description

Settlement Status

Status Description
S01 pending settlement
S02 settlement processing
S03 settlement finish


Code Description
AAPDPE0022 Transaction amount can not exceed available balance.
AABXME3000 System error occured.
CAPPDE0006 Over Trusty Daily Point Using Limit Amount.
AAPARE0099 This account is blocked for request service.
AAPARE0215 The password is locked
AAPARE0573 The transaction password is invalid.
AAPCME0006 please check Input value.
CAPDPE0033 Fixed Account are not in business Time
CAPDPE0042 Order information does not exist