API Description: Refund API
Request URL:/openapi/v1/trusty/refund
Request Method:POST
Request Parameter:
Field Name | Description | Length | Required | Type |
app_id | Public Parameter | 64 | true | string |
mchnt_id | Public Parameter | 32 | true | string |
nonce_str | Public Parameter | 64 | true | string |
sign | Public Parameter | 128 | true | string |
sign_type | Public Parameter | 12 | true | string |
tradeNo |
The unique No. of the payment transaction which is provided by merchant. |
32 | true | string |
refundNo |
The unique sequence No. of the refund transaction which is provided by merchant. |
32 | true | string |
Request Sample:
"app_id": "121775250444445490",
"mchnt_id": "1000",
"nonce_str": "121775250444445490"
"sign": "xxxxxx",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"tradeNo": "P8888888881",
"refundNo": "P88888888882"
Response Parameter:
Field Name | Description | Required | Type |
app_id | Public Parameter | true | string |
mchnt_id | Public Parameter | true | string |
nonce_str | Public Parameter | true | string |
sign | Public Parameter | true | string |
sign_type | Public Parameter | true | string |
return_code | Public Parameter | true | string |
return_msg | Public Parameter | true | string |
refundStatus | Refund status [Reference to the appendix - Refund Status] |
true | string |
refundNo | The unique sequence No. of the refund transaction. |
true | string |
Response Sample:
"app_id": "121775250444445490",
"sign": "xxxxxx",
"sign_type": "MD5",
"nonce_str": "121775250444445490",
"mchnt_id": "1000",
"return_code": "SUCCESS",
"return_msg": "",
"refundNo": "xxxxsdsdwewewew",
"refundStatus": "REFUND_PROCESSING"
Return Code:
code | Description |
SUCCESS | Processed successfully |
PARAM_ERROR | Parameter error. |
MERCHANT_NOT_EXIST | Merchant does not exist. |
SIGN_ERROR | Incorrect signature result. |
ORDER_NOT_EXIST | This order does not exist. |
SYSTEM_ERROR | System error. |
CHANNEL_NOT_ALLOWED | Channel does not allow refund. |
ORDER_NOT_ALLOWED | Order does not allow refund. |
Refund Status:
code | Description |
REFUND_SUCCESS | refund success |
REFUND_FAIL | refund fail. |
REFUND_PROCESSING | refund processing. |
Payment Status:
Status | Description |
PAY_APPLY | Payment apply |
PAY_PROCESSING | Payment processing |
PAY_SUCCESS | Payment succeeded |
PAY_FAIL | Payment failed |
REVERSE_PROCESSING | Reverse processing |
REVERSE_SUCCESS | Reverse succeeded |
REVERSE_FAIL | Reverse failed |
REFUND_PROCESSING | Refund processing |
REFUND_SUCCESS | Refund succeeded |
REFUND_FAIL | Refund failed |
Currency :
Currency | Description |
MMK | Myanmar currency Code |
Trade Type
Trade Type | Description |
Settlement Status
Status | Description |
S01 | pending settlement |
S02 | settlement processing |
S03 | settlement finish |
Code | Description |
AAPDPE0022 | Transaction amount can not exceed available balance. |
AABXME3000 | System error occured. |
CAPPDE0006 | Over Trusty Daily Point Using Limit Amount. |
AAPARE0099 | This account is blocked for request service. |
AAPARE0215 | The password is locked |
AAPARE0573 | The transaction password is invalid. |
AAPCME0006 | please check Input value. |
CAPDPE0033 | Fixed Account are not in business Time |
CAPDPE0042 | Order information does not exist |